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Men aren’t afraid to cry in front of Maria Santos.
Maria, Director of Homebuyer Counseling, says happy tears are shed at the beginning of counseling when families are told it is possible to buy and when they sign the documents to get their keys to their home.
“What they thought could never be possible, is,” she said. “With guidance and their self-determination they have accomplished what we call the American dream.”
Before the happy tears, financial and credit counseling is the first major undertaking for ACTS families.
There’s paperwork and documentation that needs to be provided. Files that need to be meticulously maintained and updated. All of this is overseen by Santos.
With 23 years of housing and lending experience, there’s no underestimating Santos’ ability to keep things moving.
So far in 2017, the ACTS team has empowered 117 families to purchase homes-thanks in part to Santos’ rapport with families–and her ability to empower them toward greater financial security.
Maria plans to keep going.
“For 25 years now, I have helped many, many families and I know that I am still not done,” Santos said. “There are so many more still waiting for their opportunity.”
Her time in the housing field isn’t just a job, but a passion.
“I am passionate about helping families that never thought that they could own a home for themselves or their families. My passion drives me to work hard everyday for them.”
When she’s not in the office, Santos enjoys meals with her large, extended family, attends Brewers games (especially when they play the Cubs!), reads and travels.
Maria’s advice to anyone looking to get started with ACTS: Don’t stay away because YOU think you’d never be able to buy! Come to a FREE Orientation to get started.