Candida Cuevas loves her rowdy home. With six kids, fifteen grandkids, and one more on the way, family gatherings are loud, crowded, and full of love. In her old neighborhood, these events caused problems; there wasn’t enough room in her trailer for everyone, parking was a challenge, and neighbors would complain about the noise. This caused Candida a lot of stress.

Today, Candida says, it’s good vibes. Her neighbor to the right introduced herself right away and told Candida about everyone else on the block, and her neighbor to the left is known for grilling and sharing meals of carne asada.
A real home, in Candida’s words, means a lot. It’s peace, calmness, and space all to herself. “I feel like having a house gives me more life. I can put it the way I want. I feel tranquil, peaceful, relaxed.”

When she purchased her home, it wasn’t too distressed, but it did need a lot of attention. Candida’s rehab project focused on electricity, roof and gutter repairs, plumbing, heat, floors, and cabinets.
Candida’s two youngest children live with her and love having their own bedrooms almost as much as their mom does. Her bedroom is her favorite room in the house, her sanctuary. She’s also very fond of the dining room, which houses the large dining room table she’s always dreamed about.

If you’d like to learn more about homeownership through Acts Housing, we invite you to attend one of our orientation sessions in Milwaukee or Beloit. Or, if you’re interested in getting involved as a volunteer, or helping to support Acts’ work through a financial gift, contact kelly@actshousing.org.