The Acts Housing team came together (via Zoom…it is 2020 after all) for our annual holiday celebration. There were gifts. There was a gingerbread house contest made possible by Community Action’s Gingerbread Extravaganza. There were the first-annual Acts-y Awards.

We were honored to sponsor Community Action of Rock County’s Gingerbread Extravaganza this year, and our celebrity judge was the one and only Marc Perry, Community Action’s Executive Director, who will also be joining the Acts Housing board in 2021! Just remember…when you put a bunch of people who live and breathe housing into a house-building contest…you’re going to get some creative and fabulous creations!
Congratulations to our Best In Gingerbread Show winners:
First Place: Favi, who may have gone over her construction budget, but who was 100% inspired by “Buy A Home, Build A Community”
Second Place: Sheila, who, as an Acts homeowner herself is celebrating her first Christmas in her new house. Sheila’s gingerbread neighborhood will be enjoying her Puerto Rican cooking – she even included a pig roast!
Third Place: Yaya, whose landscaping and trees cinched the title, and whose kids were ready to eat her house before the contest even started!
Favi’s winning community Favi’s kids told us how proud of her they are! So cute! Sheila is building an Acts neighborhood in real life! Sheila closed on her house a year ago We’re ready for that pig roast next summer! Yaya’s trees were over the top! Ana’s sweet house used recycled building materials! Then thought he might get points for brand loyalty… And finished off with sweet sentiments! our rehab manager, ben, focused on code compliance first… Dina and her daughter made their first gingerbread house Heidy and her nephew are requesting some assistance from acts lending & rehab! Of course Irene’s project has a marketing message! Maria stayed within her scope and even got a grant for lawn beautification! You can’t be a gosman and not put in a plug for Acts! The Gosman boys were master tree-makers! Tess’ pink dream house! Dorothy made sure her house had a big, well-lit back-yard! Jenean built a winter wonderland complete with fence… …and it got eaten before judging was over! we’d expect nothing less than “on-brand” from our cmo, Kelly Tania’s kiddos didn’t care about curb appeal, they just wanted to sample it!
The Acts-y Awards
The Acts team also enjoyed the first annual Acts-y Awards. Lots of amazing work was done this year, despite it being a dumpster fire! Congratulations to all members of the team on maintaining your focus on Acts’ most important capabilities: Family Service Excellence, Operations Excellence, Forming & Building Relationships, and Talent & Culture.

While we usually focus on our amazing Acts families, once a year this incredible team deserves a pat on the back. As you can see, they’re enthusiastic, passionate, creative, and fun…all qualities that help Acts fulfill its mission year after year!